Things We Don’t Talk About


Let Me Carry Your Prayers

I’m pilgrimaging again this year! This week I'll be walking, for the fourth time, from the pyramids of Teotihuacan to the Basilica of Guadalupe. 11 hours, 26 miles, carrying prayers...

Be angry. (Here’s how)

On optimism, compassion, and fuel for change I’ve had a small book sitting on my shelf for the past two years, written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It’s called...

To the daughter I never had

A few days ago, I took my ex-boyfriend’s 12-year old daughter into New York City to go shopping. I knew it would be a fun trip to see the City...

Things We Don’t Talk About Part 5: Racism, Spiritual Bypass, and Healing the Whole

Walking through the Austin airport last week all I want to do is hug the stranger next to me, weep on his chest, ask for forgiveness, tell him how precious...
Things We Don't Talk About Part 4: Abortion

Things We Don’t Talk About Part 4: Abortion

I was 22 years old when I stood in the bathroom, wishing the pink line did not clearly state the news I didn’t want to believe. At that time I...
I've looked at the world through the glasses I was given. Now I've taken them off. It'surprising how distorting the wrong pair of glasses can be.

Things We Don’t Talk About Part 1: Spiritual Smugness

“Do you have a vegan option?” She asked the flight attendant. There was an underlying thread of iron in her voice, pulled taut across her vocal cords. We were on...