HeatherAsh Amara

Are you tired of leadership advice that ignores your inner wisdom? Are you ready to cultivate a presence that inspires without intimidation? Are you craving a leadership style that aligns with your values?

The Unconditional Leadership & Warrior Goddess Way Webinar Series with HeatherAsh Amara


How to Lead from a Place of Service
While Staying True to Yourself

Cultivate a leadership style that honors both your wild spirit and your wisdom

Discover how to lead authentically without sacrificing your well-being

Learn practical tools to quiet your mind and tap into your deepest intuition


“I came to discover that leadership starts with leading yourself, and different tools that I learned within the class really helped to start to reconnect myself to myself, and I think everything starts from you.”

Deirdre O'neill

Being a leader in today’s world isn’t about being aggressive.
Neither is it about being a cheerleader with no boundaries.

Leadership can feel hard and challenging.

From the fear of getting it wrong to the burden of doing it all… leadership at work and at home can lead us to feel lost, disconnected, and lacking purpose.

We want to set boundaries but worry we'll upset or hurt others. 

We want to stand up but stress about being bossy. 

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a therapist or a coach, a yoga teacher or a parent trying to lead by example…

…you may find yourself caught in an endless cycle of fixing and judging – both yourself and others – only to realize that this path leads to burnout and overwhelm rather than the vibrant, purposeful life you've always envisioned.

Profile of HeatherAsh Amara with hand on heart and fire in the background

43% of women leaders are burned out.*

Many leaders, just like you, feel burned out instead of being lit up.

Many leaders, like you, seek a way to lead authentically, embrace their inner wisdom, and find the delicate balance between courage, compassion, and creativity.

The desire to make a difference burns bright within us. Yet the fear of falling short or losing ourselves in the process often dims that flame.

Imagine, for a moment, what it would feel like to see overwhelm and judgment melt away, replaced by keen awareness, fiery creativity, and a deep well of compassion – for yourself and those around you.

Picture a life where your decisions flow from a place of inner knowing… where fear becomes a gentle guide rather than a paralyzing force.

*Source: Lean In

Join HeatherAsh Amara for a FREE Webinar Series
Designed to Help You Be an Unconditional Leader
Living the Warrior Goddess Way

In these 75-minute webinars, you’ll discover: 

✅ How to turn the energy of burnout into a wellspring of sustainable passion

✅ The art of setting unconditional boundaries that nurture rather than restrict

✅ The 3 steps to being an unconditional leader while strengthening your connection with yourself

✅ The secrets to turning fear into an ally (not an anchor), reclaiming your power, and unlocking your creative magic

✅ Practical tools to quiet the mind, stay soft, and tap into your innate wisdom

Most importantly?
You’ll discover how to stop pushing and punishing yourself and instead lead while living free and fiery, creative and courageous…

Choose a Convenient Day and Time

Monday, Oct 7th

Unconditional Leadership

6pm Pacific
9pm Eastern
2am Oct 8 London

Tuesday, Oct 8th

Living the Warrior Goddess Way

4pm Pacific
7pm Eastern
12am Oct 9 London

Wednesday, Oct 9th

Unconditional Leadership

9am Pacific
12pm Eastern
5pm London

Thursday, Oct 10th

Living the Warrior Goddess Way

8am Pacific
11am Eastern
4pm London

Saturday, Oct 12th

An Exclusive Encore for BOTH Webinars

Living the Warrior Goddess Way

12pm Pacific
3pm Eastern
8pm London

Unconditional Leadership

1:30pm Pacific
4:30m Eastern
9:30pm London

Want to know which webinar would work better for you?
(And yes, you can do both!)

The Unconditional Leadership webinar is for you if you are:

✓ Feeling burnt out or scattered as an entrepreneur, leader, or healing professional

✓ Wanting clarity on your next steps as a creative / wisdom keeper

✓ Upleveling your service to be more expansive, abundant AND sustainable


The Living the Warrior Goddess Way webinar is for you if you are: 

✓ Ready to ripen and release old stories and beliefs

✓ Wanting to release the next layer of fear/smallness/hesitation

✓ Excited to finally say YES to your dreams, desires, and potential

Elaine Michelle Testimonial Headshot

“I have so much love and gratitude for the beautiful tools and community that HeatherAsh has birthed into this world.

Through the teachings and tools, I've learned how to be more grounded and present, how to quiet my mind, listen to my heart, and have clarity on my Yes and my No.”

Elaine Michelle

Whether you’re leading at work or at home, this webinar series will be the best next step in freeing your natural confidence, reigniting your fire, and helping you become the embodied leader you’re meant to be.

HeatherAsh Amara

Meet Your Guide,
HeatherAsh Amara

Welcome, Dear One!

I believe we have a choice to use everything in our lives to grow our capacity and presence, or we can use everything against ourselves.

I love guiding people to become their own best friend and ally — turning challenges into healing and obstacles into gold.

I’m the author of the best-selling book — Warrior Goddess Training.

My latest book — Wild, Willing, and Wise: When to Paddle, When to Rest, and When to Jump Naked into the River of Life is now in stores.

I’m a Sundoor Firewalk Instructor and Empowerment Trainer and the transformative heart of my teachings come through my long Toltec apprenticeship and teaching partnership with don Miguel Ruiz Sr., author of The Four Agreements.

I bring 35 years of teaching and training experience to these webinars, where I’ll share hard-won lessons and real-world tools to help you be the leader you’re meant to be — strong yet soft, creative and courageous, empowered but not aggressive.

Fun fact: My parents named me Heather. 

The “Ash” in my name is from the firewalks I started facilitating many years ago. It reminds me of the energy of the phoenix rising from the ashes and the power all of us have to transform from the inside out. 

I prefer to be called HeatherAsh, though if that is too much of a mouthful, you can call me Ash. 


"What HeatherAsh has taught me through her webinars has been life changing.

My friend and I have attended webinars and trainings together and we never knew how much these experiences would change us! I have learned how to clear out what no longer is worth my time and/or energy and make room for my authentic self to come out and play! 

Her teachings help build a foundation that feels strong, safe and includes a community around you that accepts and loves you no matter where you are at on your journey.

I have learned how digging deeper isn't so scary but actually how freeing it feels when you continue to learn how to love and embrace the authentic self that has always been there."


This is your invitation to step onto a path of self-discovery, to awaken the unconditional leader and warrior goddess that resides within you.

This is your invitation to lead not from a place of shoulds and musts but from authenticity and compassion.

This is your invitation to join me on this adventure and take one brave step at a time.


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