Upcoming Events + Programs

Want to know what HeatherAsh and Team Pixie are up to? Come here often to check the latest updates, watch your email for the invites, or join our list!


Chartres Academy and Pyramid Academy Pilgrimage to Teotihuacán

For those new to Teotihuacán, this pilgrimage will be a powerful initiation. For those who have experienced Toltec initiation rites at the pyramids before, it will be an opportunity to deepen their connection with the mysteries of this ancient site.

HeatherAsh Amara will be our guide and lead us into the pyramid fields. Local healers and teachers will share their embodied wisdom and lead us into the latest discoveries at Quetzalcoatl. We will explore the magic of numbers and do sacred practice to align ourselves with the power of the pyramids. Mexica/Aztec dancers will enchant us with their ceremonial dances.


This energizing six-day retreat will be juicy and beneficial for anyone, whether you have been teaching for 30 years and want to be re-inspired or deepen your community, if are exploring moving towards a path of service, or if you want to commune with fire.

Whether you are currently leading workshops or trainings, or you are just beginning your leadership in this work, we have designed a training that will activate, educate, and ignite personal and community transformation.


Burning Woman Festival

A weekend for women to connect, heal, and transform.

Explore your inner self and connect with other women in a safe and supportive environment.

Empower yourself through workshops, talks, and activities that will help you grow and evolve.

Awaken to your full potential and leave the festival feeling renewed, inspired, and empowered.

SAVE 10% using this code: HEATHERASH10

SEDONA, AZ | SEPTEMBER 6 - 8, 2024

Shamanism & the Divine Feminine Retreat

Come experience the magic of Sedona and be held in a circle of women as you lay to rest the ghosts of burden, shame, or unacknowledged parts of your history.

Imagine what it would feel like to shed layers of cultural and personal baggage and stand proudly in the radiant light as a divine goddess that you are! It’s not too late to go back and experience things like a happy coming-of-age ritual, or gain closure on a painful breakup or divorce, or create a loving space for transitioning into the next phase of your life.

TEOTIHUACAN, MEXICO | October 28 - November 3, 2024

Ancestral Healing and Day of the Dead Journey

Join me for our annual Day of the Dead Power Journey Retreat. The Day of the Dead is one of the most important days of the year in Mexico, a time of bright, brilliant celebration and ancient ritual that will touch your heart and soul.

This unique experience will be like no other.

We'll be staying at the Dreaming House, a colorful, family run center in Mexico, surrounded by new and close to the heart friends, and participating in healing and energizing ceremonies each day in one of the most potent sites on the planet.

Come dream a new dream.


Sanctuary & Song

Join us to bask in love, community, and song. We invite you to explore various ways to connect with the divine and one another in our weekly services, Sanctuary & Song. Singing together is so powerful and uplifting. Our ministers will share potent insights from traditions around the globe including Toltec wisdom, European earth-based traditions, and intuitive guidance. Held via Zoom, Sanctuary & Song is a safe, brave space to raise our voices together in celebration and prayer.